Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman Mangera established Whitethread Institute with the express purpose of enhancing educational pathways for Muslim scholars. The institute now serves the important function of allowing scholars to create synthesis between traditional texts and modern-day challenges. Our advanced postgraduate courses for ‘alimiyya graduates and students are taught with the purpose of contextualizing and solidifying their knowledge. The Fatwa Centre, or what is traditionally known as the Dār al-Iftā’, is a pivotal department of the Whitethread Institute. The objective of the Centre is to serve the global Muslim community in answering their ethical, juridical, and spiritual questions.
Dr Mufti Abdur-Rahman Mangera established Whitethread Institute with the express purpose of enhancing educational pathways for Muslim scholars. It now serves the important role of allowing scholars to synthesize between modern-day challenges and traditional texts. The Menstrual Matters Project is the latest initiative to emerge from Whitethread, with the objective of educating women on menstruation and post-natal bleeding, as well as other related subjects. Empowered with this knowledge, they will be able to execute their sacred devotions in accordance with the Shari‘ah.
Amanah Advisors is an independent, globally recognised Shariah advisory firm. Amanah is dedicated to offering wholesome end-to-end Shariah-compliant solutions by leveraging on its experience, global connections and expertise in the field.
Amanah was a start-up in 2016 which has grown exponentially across the world. After a short span of three years, it has already benefited over 1000 clients across 5 continents in more than 20 different countries. This is of no surprise given the experience, knowledge and rapid turnarounds Amanah brings to the table.
Darul Fiqh literally means ‘The Centre for Understanding’.
The aim of Darul Fiqh is to facilitate the learning, understanding and practising of the Islamic faith.
Darul Fiqh was established in 2011 and has answered over 5,000 queries from across the globe. Darul Fiqh deals with real questions and strives to provide pragmatic yet authentic solutions to contemporary questions.
Darul Iftaa (Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence) aims to provide insight into the Islamic perspective on personal, social, and global issues. We hope to enrich understanding, debate, and discussion by providing an Islamic dimension to queries and specific concerns.
Darul Iftaa is headed by: Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari.
Darul Ifta Birmingham was established in July 2006 by local scholars who felt that the Muslim community needed a platform to express their voice and questions. Living in a society stimulated by materialism and cultural superstitions, Muslims often find themselves neglecting the noble value of spiritual life. Personal and communal issues of the Muslim community are often brushed aside and not brought to the forefront. Darul Ifta Birmingham, by the grace of Almighty Allāh subḥānahu wa taʻāla was formed for the Muslim community to deal with the concerns and issues of the wider Muslim society.
Darul Ifta operates on a question and answer basis, allowing people to submit their questions on the Darul Ifta website and these questions are subsequently answered by one of the muftīs and can be viewed through the archives on the website.
Darul Ifta, though based in Birmingham, runs with the assistance, duʻās and regular rectification by the senior muftīs of Darul Uloom, Bury. The support and help from these senior muftīs is sincerely appreciated, and may Allāh subḥānahu wa taʻāla reward them for all their help. Āmīn.
Please feel free to recommend any suggestions to improve the website.
Islamic Portal provides a gateway to the Islamic sciences by featuring Q&As, Fatwas, articles, books, resources and audio speeches on a range of topics including Islamic jurisprudence, Prophetic traditions, current affairs and scholarly discourses. The website is independently run by a group of scholars and professionals and is not affiliated with any organisation. Our aim is to empower Muslims with the knowledge and confidence to practice their faith and become beacons of guidance and change.
Unless otherwise stated, the answers provided on this website are in accordance with the Hanafi school of thought. Some of the answers provided are in response to specific questions. We are not responsible if the educational content on this website is misused or used out of context.
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Assalaamu Alaykum,
Tafseer Raheemi was initially created by some Muslim brothers with the intention of spreading the meaning and message of the holy Quran.
Shaykh-ul-Hadith Hadhrat Mawlana Abdul Raheem (hafidhahullah) has a good command on the Tafseer of Quran and is well versed with Hadith shareef. He delivers lectures in local Masaajid and helps the Muslim community by creating Islamic awareness among fellow Muslims. He also guides people along the path of Tasawwuf.
This website is to offer that guidance to the wider community around the globe.
Jazakallah for taking your time out to visit us. We hope you will not be disappointed, please continue to visit us; Your support will encourage us to do more. If you don’t like something on this site, tell us. If you do like something, tell others.
Question: Please explain as to who are Wifaqul Ulama and the Scholars who support it? Can I get the name of some of the major British Scholars who support your stance on Moon Sighting? Why are Wifaqul Ulama only concerned with Moon? Doesn’t the Ummah have bigger problems?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh
We would like to begin by extending our gratitude to you for asking this question. May Allah (SWT) give you the best of rewards (Ameen).
ZamZam Academy
ZamZam Academy was established in 2003 to help disseminate knowledge of the Islamic Sciences (such as Aqeedah, Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, Tafseer, and Hadith) online. Many of the lectures featured on the site have been conducted in a class room, mosque or lecture theater and then uploaded onto the site. Others have been delivered as an online class on the ZamZam Academy website itself. Information regarding upcoming classes to be held at a physical location or online can be found in the courses and events section of our site.
With the launch of our new site all audio is now presented in MP3 format and can be easily downloaded and listened to on a variety of players.
ZamZam Academy hopes to attract bright students who want to improve themselves and their communities by learning the Islamic Sciences and implementing them practically in their lives. Please make dua that Allah Most High accepts our efforts and establishes ZamZam Academy as a full-time institution devoted to seeking His Pleasure.
If you have benefited from ZamZam Academy why not share your experience in the testimonial section.
JazakumAllahu khairan for taking the time to visit ZamZamAcademy.com!